Tag Archive | "Scooba 200"

Scooba 230: Keeping Your Floors Clean, So You Don’t Have To

Everybody, stand back, the Scooba 230 is at work. Yes, that’s right, it’s that little gizmo that works as a floor cleaner. Coming in the size of a CD, it can scrub your floor clean in a snap. Nooks and crannies are no problem because it can easily swoop through and leave those spots spic and span. As small as a gizmo it is, you can expect that the Scooba 230 isn’t really going to be the next mop but it’s going to try its very hardest to take care of your floors.

Apart from the fact that the Scooba 230 can slip right through the tightest spots where you want to clean the floor, it’s also a very easy gizmo to use. You just have to fill it up, plop it down on the floor and the second you push the clean button, it’s going to scoot and spin around cleaning your floors as it goes. With the built in collision detection, you don’t have to worry about it. If the Scooba 230 meets an obstacle, it’s just going to do a strict 180 and go in the other direction. Tough to reach spots and gross spots are cleaned just like that.

As it was mentioned earlier, the Scooba 230 couldn’t really replace mopping. If you need to get your floors pristine clean, you might have to put a little bit of elbow grease into it. Its kryptonite would be caked dirt and serious grime and even if you use the vacuum function, it can still leave your floor a little bit wet. It’s nothing that a little air drying can’t fix. At the most, this robo-floor cleaner is a complement to mopping. For the cleaning maintenance of your floors, you can rely on this adorable floor cleaner, the Scooba 230.

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New Scooba is coming!

iRobot will soon be releasing a brand new Scooba! The name will either be the Scooba 200, the Mini Scooba, or the Scooba Jr! It is very small, easy to use and maintain. Many more details coming soon!

Update: iRobot announced the new scooba as the Scooba 230!

 Find the best Robot Mops and Robot Vacuums Here!

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